Working on your singing has never been easier

Use our recordings, with real voices and real accompaniments made by professionals.
Adjust the presence and volume of each voice and sing along!
The score scrolls, giving you cues on the key points of the piece.
You can even change the tempo to work on difficult passages!

New! You can now record yourself and listen back to your voice with those who have already recorded!

The application
Guide to Choir singer

See how the application works on the beginning of the Kyrie from Mozart's Requiem


The benefits



Audio library

From the real

Real professional voices sing each part. Accompaniment is available according to score. No more synthetic midi files!

Total control

In our application, you choose the voices you want to hear, and the volume of each voice. So you can hear what you need to sing, with or without the other participants.

Always available

Our app is available on computer, tablet and smartphone. Wherever you are, listen, listen again, listen again!

Subscription artworks

Many works are accessible free of charge, and a repertoire of works is recorded and available by subscription.

This means you can work on one work for a limited time, at a very modest cost, and move on to the next when your schedule changes.

Subscriptions can be taken out by individuals (from €2 to €5 per month), or by choirs for the whole of choir singers (from €10 to €40 per month, depending on the size of the choir). 

Recorded works
Frequently asked questions

Your private space!

You are Choir director and would like your band to be able to exploit all the benefits of the application on your own recordings? Use a private area, where you can create your own tracks from your mp3 files.

Subscriptions are very affordable, depending on the size of the choir, starting at €10 per month!

Subscribe to a private area

See how easy it is to create titles in your private area!


Just ask us!

If your work is not available, ask us to record it. For a small fee, you'll have access to these recordings, for you or your choir, for as long as you like!

Request a quote
Our users speak for themselves